Prof. Brama Koné.JPG

A round table discussion was held on Friday, July 05, 2024 on the theme "Heat wave in Côte d'Ivoire: causes, scientific evidence and control strategies" as part of the HE2AT project's third annual workshop, held from July 03 to 05, 2024 in Abidjan - Plateau. 

One of the panelists, Professor Brama Koné, WHO representative for Africa and member of the HE2AT project's senior team in Côte d'Ivoire, gave some advice on what to do in hot weather.

In his presentation, Professor Brama Koné gave advice on what to do in hot weather. According to him, "people don't realize that in hot weather, you have to drink even when you're not thirsty. You have to avoid working in the sun".

Unfortunately in our countries, most activities, particularly in the tertiary sector, are carried out under the sun, so we need to raise awareness among the farming community," lamented the WHO representative. He suggested reorganizing working hours.

"If you have to be in the field from 5.30 a.m. and as soon as you see the first light of the sun, you start working, and from 10.30 a.m. when the sun is too intense, avoid working. Do other things that expose you less to the sun, and pick up again when the sun starts to fade," he suggests. For him, there are no miracle solutions. He advised that when you feel certain effects, you should go and see a health center so that treatment can be given quickly.

Karina Fofana /