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The African Primatological Society (APS) will hold its third Congress in Potchefstroom, South Africa from September 25th - 28th, 2024. We are very proud and excited to announce this 2024 congress of APS for the advancement of African primate research and conservation.

Call for Abstracts

We aim to promote the conservation of African primates through the sharing of research results and networking among primate conservation stakeholders. SAP invites students, researchers and conservation managers to submit abstracts on African primates under the following sub-themes for review:


- Diversity, taxonomy, genetics

- Conservation, tourism

- Ecology

- Behaviour, cognition

- Education

- Health and diseases

Guidelines for Abstracts

- Write your abstract in Times New Roman font size 12pt (justify the text).

- Word limit: 300

- Abstracts of oral presentations and posters should be structured as follows:

o Title (Times New Roman, bold, font size 12pt, centered)

o Author presenter1*, Co-authors2 (Times New Roman, font size 10pt, centered)

o Affiliation (Times New Roman, font size 10pt, centered)

o (Times New Roman, font size 10pt, centered)

o Preference: oral presentation or poster

- Once poster abstracts are accepted, authors should prepare their posters to occupy a 1 m x 1 m wall space.

- Oral presentations will last 15 minutes, including time for questions/comments on your presentation.

- The Programme Committee reserves the right to make the final decision.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is 20 July 2024.

Please submit abstracts for oral presentation or by mail before registering, using the following link:

Then go to the online abstract submission page:


For more information, please email


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