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The African Primatological Society (APS) will hold its third Congress in Potchefstroom, South Africa from September 25th - 28th, 2024. We are very proud and excited to announce this 2024 congress of APS for the advancement of African primate research and conservation.


 Day 1

Opening Session

a.       A welcome speech by the Chair of the Organizing Committee with aims of the conference.

b.       An opening presentation given by Inza Koné, the APS Chair to give a background of APS.

c.       A speech by APS Patron, Russ Mittermeier.

d.       Group photo

Tea break

e.       The first keynote speech by Erica Van de Waal

f.        The second keynote speech by Rachel Ikemeh titled ‘Primate Conservation in Africa: Pathway to Sustainability’.


Afternoon session


The opening session will be followed by a plenary session on the state of implementation of primate action plans in different regions of Africa presented by the coordinators of the respective plans followed by Q&A and wrap up by selected discussants.

Day 2

Day 2 of the conference will start with the third keynote speech by Andrea Donaldson on her work to protect colobines followed by the fourth keynote speech by Joanna Setchell on her work in Gabon.

Afterwards, Day 2 of the conference will focus on sharing results of selected projects dealing with various aspects of African Primatology.

The afternoon sessions of Day 2 will be introduced by the fifth keynote speech by Rich MacFarland on his long-term primate research project in Limpopo, South Africa.

A call for abstracts will be launched prior to conference dates and the Scientific Committee will select up to 60 abstracts for oral communications and up to 30 posters.

During Day 2 of the Congress, selected candidates will give their oral presentations during several parallel sessions with simultaneous English-French translation.


In addition, there will be a session in memory of Judith Masters and Fabien Genin who until their tragic deaths worked diligently to understand and conserve primates in Africa and Madagascar.

There will also be a special session dedicated to great apes research and conservation.

A poster session will be organized, and visitors will be invited to evaluate the quality of competing posters and their presentation on specific sheets for a jury to select the winner of the award of the best poster.

Registered students and junior researchers will also be in competition for the award of the best oral presentation.

Day 3

Day 3 of the Congress will start with

a)       A keynote speech from Beth Kaplin on the theme “Bridging science and policies for conservation of primates and their habitats in a whole of governments and whole of civil society approach

b)      A panel will be organized on the topic “Decolonization of African primatology: implications, methods, achievements, challenges and opportunities” Panelists include Ekwoge Abwe (Cameroon), Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka (Uganda), Jonah Ratsimbazafy (Madagascar), Leadro Jerusalinsky (Brazilian Primate Society and SLAPrim), Sian Waters (UK/ Morocco), and Colleen Downs (South Africa). The session will be facilitated by Inza Koné (Côte d’Ivoire) and Josia Razafidramanana (Madagascar).

c)       Additional parallel sessions will be organized in the second half of the morning for selected abstracts to be presented.

d)      The general assembly of the APS will be held in the afternoon of day 3. The constitution of the APS will be revised, and chairs of the different governance bodies will be elected. Dr Leadro Jerusalinsky will be the special guest to share the experience of the successful Brazilian Primate Society.

e)      Conference recommendations and resolutions will be read by the new elected APS president during the closing ceremony.

f)        The Closing session will include remarks by PEGG, Re:Wild, and APS (former and new presidents).

g)       Award ceremony for the best student presentations and prominent primatologists in Africa will be held in the evening.


Days 4-6: Field Trips

The 4th, and 5th days will be dedicated to optional excursions, post-congress training sessions and study tours in primate field sites and game reserves, including nearby Madikwe and Pilanesberg Reserves.


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