Overall scientific program
>> Detailed Scientific Program <<
Wednesday, September 25th, 2024
8:00 > Morning Pick-up Time to the Conference Venue
Opening session (plenary room)
08:00 – 09:30: Installation of participants
09:30 – 10:30:
Welcome speech by Prof. Trudy Turner, Chair of the Primate Ecology and
Genetics Group, South Africa (5 mn).
b. Framework Note by Prof.
Christopher Schmitt, the Chair of the Scientific Committee with aims
and agenda of the congress (5 mn).
c. Speech by Prof. Inza Koné,
President of the APS Chair to give a background of APS
d. Speech by
APS Patron, Russ Mittermeier (5 mn).
e. Official opening of the
congress by Prof. David Mxolisi Modise representing North-West
University (5 mn).
f. Tribute to Dr Judith Masters and Dr Fabien
Genin who until their tragic deaths worked diligently to understand
and conserve primates in Africa and Madagascar (30 mn).
g. Group
photo (10 mn).
10:30 – 11:00: Tea break
Morning plenaries
11:00 – 11:30: Keynote speech by Dr Stephanie Mercier
(Switzerland/South Africa) entitled “Vervet monkeys across the
spectrum: from undisturbed habitats to urban spaces”
11:30 –
12:00: keynote speech by Ms Rachel Ikemeh (Nigeria) titled “Primate
Conservation in Africa: Pathway to Sustainability”
12:00 – 12:30:
Q&A session with the two keynote speakers
12:30 – 14:00: Lunch
break (Visit of posters between 13:30 and 14:00)
Afternoon plenaries
14:00 – 16:00: Plenary session on the state of
implementation of primate action plans in different regions of Africa
a. Western chimpanzee conservation action plan by Dr Erin Wesling
(20 mn talk + 10 mn Q&A)
b. Mangadrill conservation action plan by
Dr David Fernandez and Dr Andrea Dempsey (20 mn talk + 10 mn Q&A)
c. Red colobus conservation action plan by Dr Joshua Linder (20 mn
talk + 10 mn Q&A)
d. Red colobus conservation network by Ms
Florence Aghomo (20 mn talk + 10 mn Q&A)
Side event
17:00 - 19:00: Workshop of the Red Colobus Conservation Network
17:00 > Evening Pick-up Time to the Hotel: 17:00
Thursday, September 26th , 2024
8:00 > Morning Pick-up Time to the Conference Venue
Morning plenaries
08:00 – 08:30: Installation of participants
08:30 – 09: 00: Keynote speech by Dr Josia Razafindramana (Madagascar)
titled "Re-imagining Primate Conservation: Insights from 15 Years of
Community-Based Actions”
09:00 – 09: 30: Keynote speech by Prof.
Beth Kaplin on the theme “Bridging science and policies for
conservation of primates and their habitats in a whole of governments
and whole of civil society approach”
09:30 – 10:00: Q&A session for
the two panelists
10:00 – 10:30: Tea break
Morning parallel sessions
10:30 – 12h30: Parallel sessions (wrap up by moderators at
the end of each session)
a. Conservation, Education (8 oral
presentations: 10 mn + 5 mn per presentation)
b. Conservation,
Health and Diseases (8 oral presentations: 10 mn + 5 mn per
c. Ecology (8 oral presentations: 10 mn + 5 mn per
d. Ethology, Cognition (8 oral presentations: 10 mn +
5 mn per presentation)
12:30 – 14:00: Lunch break (Visit of posters
between 13:30 and 14:00)
Afternoon plenaries
14:00 – 14:30:
Keynote speech by Dr Ekwoge Abwe entitled “From Biological Research to
Multiple Stakeholder Engagement: Twenty years of primate conservation
in Cameroon”.
14:30 – 15:00: Q&A with the keynote speaker
Afternoon parallel sessions
15:00 – 16:30: Parallel sessions (wrap
up by moderators at the end of each session)
a. Conservation,
Education (6 oral presentations: 10 mn + 05 mn per presentation)
Conservation, Education (6 oral presentations: 10 mn + 05 mn per
c. Ecology (6 oral presentations: 10 mn + 05 mn per
d. Ethology, Cognition (6 oral presentations: 10 mn
+ 05 mn per presentation)
Side event
17:00 – 19:00: Launching of the Mangadrill Action Plan
17:00 > Evening Pick-up Time to the Hotel: 17:00
Friday, September 27th , 2024
7:30 > Morning Pick-up Time to the Conference Venue
07:30 – 08:00:
Installation of participants
08:00 – 08:30: Keynote speech by Dr
Joanna Setchell entitled "Facing the challenge: Equitable partnerships
in primatology “
08:30 – 09:00: Q&A with the keynote speaker
09:00 – 10:00: Panel on the topic “Decolonization of African
primatology: implications, methods, achievements, challenges and
Panelists: Dr Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka (Uganda),
Prof. Jonah Ratsimbazafy (Madagascar),
Dr Leandro Jerusalinsky (Brazil/Latin America),
Dr Sian Waters (UK/ Morocco).
Moderators: Prof. Inza Koné (Côte d’Ivoire) and Prof. Trudy Turner
(South Africa/ USA).
10:00 – 10:30: Tea break
10:30 – 12:30:
Parallel sessions (wrap up by moderators at the end of each session)
a. Conservation, Education (8 oral presentations: 10 mn + 5 mn per
b. Conservation, Education (8 oral presentations: 10
mn + 5 mn per presentation)
c. Ecology (8 oral presentations: 10 mn
+ 5 mn per presentation)
d. Symposium entitled “African Institute
for Great Ape Conservation Science: Conserving apes by empowering
African scientists”
12:30 -14:00: Lunch break (Visit of poster
between 13:30 and 14:00)
14:00 -14:30: Keynote speech by Dr Leandro
Jerusalinsky (Brazil) entitled “Primate Conservation in Latin America
and Brazil as a study case: strategic planning, capacity building and
14:30 -16:00: General Assembly of the APS with Dr
Leandro Jerusalinsky as special guest
16:00 – 16:30: Closing
ceremony of the congress
a. Reading of conference recommendations
and resolutions
b. Remarks by PEGG, Re:Wild
c. Words of thanks
by APS board
d. Official closing by Prof. David Modise
19:00 –
22:00: Banquet
a. Awards to be given for the best student oral and
poster presentations
b. Lifetime achievement awards to be given to
prominent primatologists in Africa
c. Tribute to Prof. Christophe
Boesch who dedicated his life to great chimpanzee research and
conservation in Africa
d. Entertainment
22:30 > Evening Pick-up Time to the Hotel: 17:00
Saturday 28th– Monday 30th,2024
Post-congress training for selected participants